
Keeping your body hydrated is essential for your health, but myths about hydration and drinking water seem to be especially common. For instance, many people disagree on how much water you should drink every day. Due to the importance of staying hydrated, it’s important to understand the truth behind these common myths about water. 

Know the Facts About Drinking Water

1. You Need Eight Glasses of Water a Day

It’s unclear where the “eight glasses of water a day” rule of thumb originated, but it’s been labeled a myth for a while. There’s no universal daily serving size of water. Some people need fewer than eight glasses to stay hydrated, and some people need more. To stay hydrated, start by following the suggested daily fluid intake is about 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women. If you exercise a lot, you might need to drink extra water to replace fluids lost through sweat. The same goes for people who live in hot, humid, or dry climates. 

2. Drinking Lots of Water Makes You Healthier

waterDrinking water is a healthy habit, but drinking more water doesn’t necessarily make you healthier. In fact, drinking too much water can be dangerous to your health. Just as dehydration is a health risk, so is over-hydrating, or hyponatremia. When you drink too much water, the level of sodium in your blood can drop to abnormally low levels. When you experience hyponatremia, your cells begin to swell. This can produce a variety of symptoms, such as nausea and headaches, and in severe cases it can even result in death. To avoid over-hydration, drink small amounts of fluids periodically. Stay aware of how you feel if you’re exercising in hot or humid environments.

3. Only Water Keeps You Hydrated

Water is the best beverage to consume if you’re thirsty, but it’s not your only source of hydration. You can also draw hydration from fluids found in fruits, vegetables, coffee, tea, and juice. The water you ingest from these sources also counts towards your suggested daily fluid intake.



Get the water you need with a reliable, experienced water delivery service. Water Wagon has been serving residents in Fairbanks, AK, for over 30 years. Whether you need a one-time fill for your water tank or a regular fill service schedule, Water Wagon can help. Call (907) 479-4499 to discuss your water fill needs, or learn more about them online
