
If you’re a new dog or cat owner, you’ll likely need advice about how to pet-proof your home. Your plumbing, in particular, needs protection from pet-induced damage. Here are a handful of helpful tips that new pet owners should adopt to prevent clogged drains, leaky pipes, and other plumbing mishaps.

4 Plumbing Tips for New Pet Owners

1. Don’t Flush Cat Litter

Although some brands claim to be flushable, cat litter, which clumps in water, is likely to clog your toilets. Prevent backups and indoor flooding by discarding cat litter in garbage bins. If you use all-natural cat litter, you can compost it.

2. Use Drain Stoppers 

clogged drainBathing pets causes them to shed. To avoid clogged drains or pipes, put a stopper in sink or tub drains to catch their hair. With a stopper, you can throw hair out with the garbage rather than letting it affect your plumbing. 

3. Watch Where Your Dog Digs

Some dogs tend to dig holes in backyards. If your pet falls into this category, your underground septic tank may get scratched and damaged. Keep your dogs from digging in the vicinity of your septic system by burying chicken wire a few inches beneath the soil to limit their access or fence off the drain field. 

4. Cover Exposed Pipes 

If you have exposed interior or exterior pipes, your dogs may chew through them. By covering them with insulating sleeves, you’ll prevent damage that may result in leaks and expensive repairs.


If your home experiences pet-related plumbing issues, get in touch with B&B Plumbing & Heating. Since 1985, they’ve provided plumbing, heating, and air conditioning installations and repairs, including 24-hour emergency services, to clients throughout Oxford, OH. Call (513) 523-4010 to make an appointment to address clogged drains or leaking pipes, or visit them online to learn more about their HVAC services.
