
When running a florist shop, maintaining the right temperature is essential for the storage and preservation of the flowers being sold. Customers are looking for flowers that appear fresh and healthy, and properly regulating the temperature of your store and storage spaces will help extend their life span. Here’s why maintaining a perfect temperature is a must for florists and how commercial refrigeration can help.

Why Is the Right Temperature Important?

When flowers are cut or harvested for sale, they no longer have the ability to produce their own food and rely on the storage in their leaves and petals. When you store flowers at a colder temperature, it slows the respiratory process and extends their life by allowing them to consume the stored food and water more slowly. The best temperature to keep nontropical flowers in is between 33 and 35 degrees.

commercial refrigerationSome flowers, such as ones that typically grow in warmer climates, need to be stored in temperatures of 50 to 55 degrees If your shop sells flowers from different climates, you need a reliable temperature control system.

How Can You Set Up Your Shop?

If you’re looking to set up a new florist shop, ensure it has the optimum temperature control it needs is by incorporating commercial refrigeration. Consult an air conditioning contractor to determine what your temperature needs are and how the flowers will be sectioned throughout the store. Consider locations where natural light comes in, as flowers exposed to direct sunlight are at an increased risk of wilting and drying out.


If you’re opening a florist shop in the La Crosse, WI, area, contact Ron Hammes Refrigeration to take care of your commercial refrigeration needs. They are a full-service company and provide access to the highest quality heating and cooling systems on the market. Call (608) 788-3110 to schedule an appointment, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
