
With the winter approaching, you need to take some measures to protect your septic system from the cold temperatures. Since there’s water inside the unit, freezing could result in burst pipes. Here’s what you need to know to prevent septic issues during this season.

3 Ways to Prepare Your Septic Tank for the Winter

1. Prevent Freezing

Frigid temperatures can be rough on septic systems. Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to prevent your tank and piping from freezing. Place an insulated cover or blanket over your septic area. Mulch also helps insulate the ground.

Do not drive over your septic tank. This will cause the soil to become compacted and frozen. Using your plumbing regularly will also help prevent freezing. During extra cold periods, run warm water throughout the day.

2. Pump Your Tank

Septic SystemIf your septic tank is starting to get full, have it pumped before the ground freezes. While it’s not impossible to have your septic unit pumped in the winter, deep snow and a frozen lawn make the job harder. Save money and get timely service by scheduling this work now.

3. Plan for Guests

Many people have guests over during the holidays. However, more people showering and doing the laundry could put stress on your septic system.

To prevent strain, have people shower at different times. Also, refrain from doing multiple loads of laundry in a row. Instead, space out some of your water usage to give your system a break. If your guests are not familiar with septic equipment, you may also need to advise them on what can’t be flushed down the toilet.


If you have any septic tank issues, be sure to call the experts at P & H Septic Service. They have been maintaining sewer and septic systems throughout the Greater Uncasville area in Connecticut for more than 15 years. Check out their website for more information on their residential services or call (860) 848-8507 to schedule an appointment.
