
If you’ve ever had a toothache, you know that it can be excruciating. Even if it’s just a dull ache in one tooth, tooth pain can affect everything from your quality of sleep to your productivity and eating habits. You might automatically assume that the pain is from a cavity, but toothaches can stem from a number of causes, some of which may require oral surgery to correct. 

Common Causes of Tooth Pain

1. Wisdom Teeth

When your wisdom teeth come in, it can cause pain for several reasons. The most common is impaction, meaning that the teeth cannot properly erupt through the gums, usually because there isn’t enough room for them. Wisdom teeth can also cause painful and dangerous infections in your gums. While some remedies like saltwater rinses and over-the-counter pain relievers can temporarily reduce the pain, the most common solution is oral surgery to extract the teeth. 

2. Bruxism

oral surgeryBruxism, or unconsciously grinding or clenching your teeth, is a common cause of tooth and jaw pain. It often occurs during sleep, but it can happen during waking hours as well, such as during stressful situations. Bruxism not only causes an aching, painful jaw, but it can seriously damage your teeth as well, causing them to crack or break and cause toothached.

3. Tooth Abscess

When your tooth becomes infected, it can form a pocket of pus known as an abscess at the root.  Pain and swelling are the most common symptoms. You might also notice a bad taste in your mouth, pain when you chew, or swollen glands. Although some abscesses can be treated with antibiotics or a root canal, severe cases may require oral surgery to drain the abscess or extract the tooth if it cannot be saved.

4. Sinus Problems

Sometimes the source of a toothache isn’t even in your teeth at all, but rather a sinus infection. Sinusitis can cause pain and pressure on your upper teeth, and it’s typically accompanied by nasal congestion and sinus pain. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, call your doctor so you can receive treatment for the infection. 



If you’re dealing with tooth pain, Dr. Dennis Gianoli can help. For more than 30 years, he and his team in Berlin, CT, have provided stress-free surgeries and procedures, including wisdom teeth removal, dental implants, and sinus lifts. To learn more about their services, visit them online or schedule a consultation by calling (860) 828-3559.
