
Operating a business of any size comes with a variety of risks. Sometimes it's in launching new services or an advertising campaign. However, many times, it's in the network's security system. With so much business being conducted online, your company's data is vulnerable to external threats. Here are some of the most common sources of danger.

Why Your Business Needs a Reliable Security System

1. Malware

Encompassing everything from viruses to computer worms, malware refers to software or programs designed to attack a device. Often hidden in corrupted files, these programs can strike either immediately or after a specified period. Once it's in the computer or network, it can replicate its malicious code and become even more difficult to locate and delete.

Installing anti-malware software is the best way to prevent these programs from taking root. With this protection, your computer will detect suspicious files and delete them automatically. You can also set them to routinely scour your hard drives or networks to locate malicious software.

2. Phishing Attacks

security systemsWhereas malware targets the computer, phishing targets the user. It's a type of social engineering attack that collects personal information, including passwords, credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, or anything else that’s confidential. They usually come in the guise of emails from reputable sources, like banks or credit companies, to trick the user into giving out such details.

Educating your employees on cybersecurity red flags is an effective way to help them stay vigilant. For example, someone shouldn’t automatically trust an email claiming to be from a credible source if it has several unprofessional details, including multiple typos and awkward grammar. Attacks also commonly ask the user to reply to the message with their personal information. Banks and other institutions generally have this done through their websites. 

3. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks

DDoS attacks are some of the most aggressive types of cyber threats. Their goal is to weaken an online server by flooding it with network requests. The sheer volume of activity overloads the server to the point where it cannot process anything. Having an inactive or unresponsive server for any period can compromise productivity and network security.

Setting up a strong firewall is the best way to prevent this. Once the program notices a suspicious source of traffic, it'll block its requests to prevent malfunctions.


When you need a security system to protect your network and data, OhmComm, Inc. is the company to trust. Based in Philadelphia, PA, they provide a variety of managed IT services for businesses throughout the Mid-Atlantic. They have solutions for every industry. They also offer systems that are compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Learn more about their managed services on their website or call (215) 467-1444 to schedule a consultation. 
