
Internet safety and security help ensure the success of your business and prevent work interruptions. Sandboxing is particularly beneficial for protecting your organization from Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), especially those that exist in the gray areas of malicious code. Below is a helpful guide to sandboxing and why it strengthens network security.

About Sandboxing

Sandboxes replicate entire computer systems in isolated and safe environments. They run code and analyze its behavior without compromising your network security. This permits you to identify hidden malware and malicious code in file operations, network connections, and system configurations.

How Data Breaches Work

network securityIn general, a cyber attacker sends you an email with a malicious link. If you click on the link, and your web filter doesn’t block it, your network establishes a connection with the website, allowing it to access your system. This may result in running malicious code and breaching your sensitive data.

Benefits of Sandboxing

Sandboxes run and analyze suspicious code under a third-party network to prevent potential breaches. Rather than traffic coming straight from the internet to your user-end system, it directs to your sandbox for analysis first. This allows only safe and inspected traffic to make contact with your network.

Sandboxing ultimately boosts network security by detecting data breaches, APTs, and unknown malware while preventing phishing attacks. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about your devices malfunctioning or losing sensitive data.


When you’re ready to strengthen your company’s network security, look into sandboxing solutions from Concord Technology Group. They offer tech support, cloud services, network management, and data backup to clients throughout Concord, OH. Call (440) 210-3200 to get a quote on network security solutions, and visit them online to learn more about how to select managed IT services that are right for your business.
