
The food you eat provides fuel for your body. Your diet can also cause issues with your digestive health when you are lacking nutrition or eat an overabundance of fried processed foods. While your family doctor can provide more detailed insight into maintaining optimum digestive health, this guide is a good place to start. 

How to Boost Your Digestive Health

1. Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking too little water can cause problems like constipation since your colon won’t be properly hydrated. While the general recommendation is eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day, adjust your intake to suit your level of activity. Keep in mind that the more you sweat, the more water you should be drinking. 

2. Limit Your Intake of High-Fat Foods

Foods with high-fat content can also lead to constipation since they tend to slow down the digestive process. However, a healthy diet does entail eating some fatty foods, so try to offset these with foods that are high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts.

3. Exercise

family doctorPhysical activity is good for maintaining general health, but it can also improve your body’s processing of the food you consume. Even a brisk walk once or twice a day is a good way to increase your activity level, as well as help you maintain a healthy weight. 

4. Keep Stress to a Minimum

Have you ever experienced an upset stomach due to anxiety and worry? If so, you’re not alone. Stress is linked to a variety of health issues and can also disrupt the body’s natural digestive process. Look for healthy outlets for stress, such as yoga and meditation.

5. Cut Back on Smoking & Drinking

Too much alcohol can irritate the stomach and eventually lead to ulcers. Additionally, smoking cigarettes can also cause ulcers to form and may even lead to other digestive issues like heartburn. Drinking in moderation can diminish these effects for many people. When it comes to smoking, nicotine patches and gum may help you wean off nicotine until you can become smoke-free. Your family doctor can also provide tips on quitting. 


The kind and caring team at HDR Healthcare Network is committed to lending Bronx patients a hand in improving their health. Along with essential services like physicals and urgent care, these skilled family doctors can also provide health education to patients during appointments. They’re also equipped to treat patients of all ages, making this a suitable clinic for the entire family. Stop by their urgent care center today or call (929) 256-5005 to schedule an appointment. 
