
There are many reasons why your child might complain of a toothache. Getting to the bottom of the issue is essential since it can be a sign of serious oral health problems. Learn more about some of the causes of toothaches and when to seek help from a dentist

Why Does Your Child Have a Toothache?

1. New Tooth Eruption

Depending on the age of your child, the problem could stem from the eruption of a new tooth. Permanent teeth typically begin erupting around age six, which can cause aches and discomfort when the mouth is overcrowded.

2. Food Debris Is Stuck Between Teeth

When hard food bits get lodged between teeth, your child may experience pain. In this case, the issue can often be rectified by flossing between teeth to remove the debris. If your child is younger than 7 and lacks the necessary dexterity, you may want to floss for them.

3. Tooth Decay

dentistMany kids experience tooth decay because of an unhealthy diet and improper dental care. Sugary sodas and other treats wear away at tooth enamel, which then increases pain sensitivity. Along with a wholesome diet, good at-home dental care and regular visits to the dentist can prevent cavities from forming.

4. Dental Damage

In some cases, toothaches are the result of damage. A crack or chip can expose the underlying pulp and nerve, which increases sensitivity. If there is a visible crack on your child’s tooth, schedule a visit with a dentist as soon as possible. 

5. Dental Abscess or Infection

When decay becomes severe, an infection may form within the tooth and gums. The accumulation of pus in the tooth can result in a dental abscess, which is sometimes accompanied by fever. Seek medical treatment right away if you suspect an abscess. 


If your child has a toothache, find a solution at Family First Dentistry. They teach dental care to kids in Anchorage, AK, during routine exams and teeth cleanings. They also provide emergency dental care in case your child experiences an urgent issue, such as a cracked tooth. Schedule an appointment today by calling (907) 562-2820. You can also access patient forms online to prepare for your appointment.
