
One of the most important parts of preschool for any child is learning how to make friends. Interacting with other kids their age helps them learn valuable social skills they’ll use in kindergarten and beyond, such as how to listen, help, share, ask conservation-sparking questions, and show support. Review activities below that encourage bonding to help your preschooler become a good friend.

4 Preschool Activities That Foster Friendships

1. Matching Game

Hand out solid-colored marbles, crayons, pieces of paper, or other viable objects to a group of eight or more children. There should be two of each colored object. Instruct the kids to find the person with the same color marble, crayon, or tool, and to link arms until everyone has found their partner. It gives children the opportunity to learn about each other and find commonalities.

2. Compliment Game

Have the children stand or sit in a circle. Provide a beanbag or small, lightweight ball they can toss to each other easily and explain that the one receiving the ball or beanbag must compliment the person who threw it. The confidence-boosting game allows children to discover what others think of them and the importance of holding each other up.

3. Friendship Necklace Craft

preschoolDye hard pasta noodles using assorted food coloring and allow the pieces to dry. Put the colored noodles in different bowls or trays and give the children craft string. Instruct them to make necklaces for those sitting next to them on the right or left. The game helps kids learn their right from their left, while emphasizing doing nice acts for others.

4. Story Hour

Select books that focus on friendship for preschool story hour. Choose ones where the titular characters form friendships through actions, such as playing together and sharing. Use friendship books to discuss resolving conflicts peacefully, showing kindness and compassion, and celebrating differences. 


The Imagination Childcare Academy, Inc. has provided preschool, universal pre-K, and before- and after-school programs to children ages 2 ½ to 12 years old in Rochester, NY, since 2012. Featuring certified teachers and flexible program options, this student-centered academy gives children the tools they need to thrive in school. Call (585) 413-3948 to schedule a visit or learn about their programs online.
