
Hair restoration techniques continue to evolve, allowing men and women to enjoy thick, healthy strands and the confidence boost they provide. The latest innovations involve the 3D printer, a device that creates 3D follicles to mitigate hair loss. Learn about the hair restoration breakthrough here.

What Is 3D Hair Restoration All About?

Over the past few years, scientists have used 3D printers to create microenvironments that support human hair growth. Human skin grows around 3D plastic molds, providing the base for hair follicle cells from volunteers to grow and thrive.

These, along with keratin-producing cells, receive “growth cocktails,” containing JAK inhibitors and other ingredients that promote follicle growth. The resulting follicle “grids” or “farms” are transplanted onto the same individuals that provided the original strands to solve thinning hair issues.

What Are the Benefits?

hair restorationWhile 3D hair restoration is still in the preliminary stages, it could revolutionize the hair loss industry. It eliminates issues such as limited donor follicle access while allowing researchers to test hair loss products and learn more about what causes thinning strands.

And since new follicles are made with biomedical materials, engineered hair grafts won’t irritate the scalp the way toupee glue and similar adhesives do. It even helps those who have suffered scalp burns or other trauma that hinders their access to traditional hair loss options.

3D solutions have shown no side effects since they are non-surgical in nature. They also provide treatment for those dealing with every type of hair loss, including androgenetic alopecia, frontal fibrosing alopecia, totalis, alopecia areata, medical hair loss, universalis, trichotillomania, and loss from chemotherapy and radiation. Grafts last up to 18 months before they need replacing. 


Hair Institute in Lexington, KY, has restored clients’ thinning hair for over 20 years. Specializing in cutting-edge hair restoration solutions from Great Lengths®, Nioxin®, and Virtual Reality, this center focuses on affordable, non-invasive techniques only. Call (859) 263-9811 today to schedule an appointment or learn more about hair loss services online.
