
The air in your home has a direct impact on your family’s health and well-being. That’s why proper house cleaning is so important. The cleaner the space, the fewer the airborne allergens and irritants you need to worry about. The following information highlights the importance of maintaining good indoor air quality and the steps you can take to do so. 

4 FAQ on Indoor Air Quality

What pollutants are commonly found in the home?

Indoor pollutants come from many different sources. These include building materials, cleaning chemicals, pets, cigarettes, carpets, upholstery, moisture, HVAC systems, pesticides, and allergens from outdoors. Studies show that indoor environments sometimes have higher levels of pollution than the outside world.

How does this affect my health?

People with existing respiratory issues, such as asthma and allergies, often find that their symptoms worsen in places with poor indoor air quality. For instance, excess moisture in the home leads to mold growth, which causes problems like runny nose, sneezing, and congestion. Some harsh chemicals used in cleaning products also cause feelings of dizziness or nausea.

In the long-term, studies show that poor indoor air may be linked to conditions like heart disease and cancer

How can I tell if my air quality is poor?

Sudden onset or worsening of the above symptoms could signal a problem with air quality.

If your home has ventilation issues, you may notice mold and mildew growth in areas like bathrooms and the attic. Ventilation keeps air moving through the home, lowering the risk of airborne pollutants, so if you have problems with this, there’s a chance your indoor air quality is poor.

How can I improve my home’s air quality?

house cleaningMake sure the air filter on your home’s HVAC equipment is changed every three months. If you have allergies or pets, do this every month.

You can also invest in an air purifier with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, which traps airborne particles. Don’t forget that allergens and other pollutants can also become trapped in furniture and carpeting. Vacuum daily to keep these clean.


Are you concerned about the impact of pollutants on your family? If so, it’s time to contact Maid Brigade of Frederick in Maryland. This professional house cleaning company will come to your home according to the schedule you create to sanitize all surfaces. They also use green cleaning products, which don’t contain harsh chemicals. Schedule house cleaning today by calling (301) 698-9204. You can also visit them online to learn about their qualifications. 
