
During a routine dental exam, an X-ray might show an impacted tooth. This means the tooth partially breaks through the gums or not at all. As it tries to emerge through the tissue, you might experience unpleasant sensations and other problems. By knowing what symptoms point to an impacted tooth, as outlined below, you can discuss treatment options with your dentist to eliminate discomfort and improve your quality of life. 

A Brief Introduction to Impacted Teeth

Wisdom Teeth & Maxillary Canines Are Typically Impacted

As permanent teeth emerge and the jaw stops growing, there could be little room left in the mouth to accommodate wisdom teeth. That’s why the final set of molars are often impacted. The large back molars try to come in between the ages of 17 and 25. In addition to wisdom teeth, it’s not uncommon for maxillary canines to be impacted. As the teeth take a while to develop in the upper jaw and erupt from the dental arch, they could be impacted when they finally emerge

Sensations Can Range From Minor Discomfort to Severe Pain

As an impacted tooth fights to erupt, you might experience gum tenderness, bleeding, or swelling in the affected area that persists. It might also become difficult to talk or chew without pain. If food gets stuck in the tissue where the tooth is trying to erupt, you might notice an unpleasant taste or foul odor that won’t go away. 

A Dentist Might Recommend Surgery

If a dentist finds that one of your maxillary canines is impacted, they will Baraboo-Wisconsin-impacted-toothrecommend wearing braces or using another eruption aid to help the tooth emerge. This is because canines assist with gripping and tearing food while chewing. If eruption of a wisdom tooth is causing discomfort, a dentist will recommend tooth extraction to eliminate pain and prevent overcrowding of surrounding teeth.


If you believe an impacted tooth is to blame for your sensitivity, contact the professionals at Oral Surgery Center, S.C. in Baraboo, WI, for help. As a full-service dentist office, Dr. Herbst and Dr. Anderson are equipped to perform oral surgery, including wisdom teeth removal. To schedule restorative, cosmetic, or general dentistry services, call (608) 356-2112. Get a brief overview of the types of procedures the dentists perform online and find out what to expect during treatment on Facebook.  
