
If you recently hired a divorce attorney, you’ll eventually need to discuss the decision with your kids. These conversations can seem difficult to approach at first, but they’re easier to navigate when you have an idea of what to expect. Use the tips below to discuss the news with your children. 

3 Tips for Discussing Divorce With Children

1. Time It Carefully

When you discuss divorce with your children is just as important as how you tell them. Having the conversation when they’re occupied or busy can lead to resentment, confusion, and anger, so wait until a time when they won’t have other obligations like homework or after-school activities. Have them set aside a few hours so you can be sure you’ll have enough time to discuss what’s happening and answer any questions they have. 

2. Make Sure They Know It Isn’t Their Fault

attorneyIt’s common for children to assume their parents’ separation is their fault. Your children may blame themselves for the divorce because they believe they did something wrong. Before you dive into the conversation, remind them how much you love them. Explain in great detail that the divorce isn’t due to their actions in any way. 

3. Let Them Process What’s Happening

The news of the divorce will likely be a shock for your kids. As such, they might need some time alone to process their thoughts and feelings. Don’t force them to discuss their emotions until they feel ready, as this may cause them to feel angry and resentful. Instead, tell them that you’re there for them and available to talk whenever they’re ready and up for it. 



If you need a divorce attorney to help you manage the upcoming proceedings, get in touch with Traystman & Coric LLC. Serving clients throughout New London, CT, since 1970, these knowledgeable lawyers will provide the counsel and guidance needed to successfully navigate your separation. Give them a call today at (860) 442-8758 to schedule a consultation with one of their divorce attorneys, and visit the firm online to learn more about their practice areas.
