
Autumn sports like football and soccer are high-speed and high-contact, making them especially risky for kids who wear braces. Without a proper mouthguard, a minor accident on the field could result in serious damage to your child’s orthodontic equipment, which could permanently affect their teeth. If your kid is hitting the field this fall, below are a few tips for protecting their braces and their smile.

3 Tips for Getting the Right Mouthguard for Fall Sports

1. Talk to the Coach

While football teams usually require mouthguards as standard safety equipment, they might be optional for soccer or other sports. Whether your child is playing in a school team or part of a league, talk to the coach about the requirements for mouthguards and what injuries are covered by their insurance. Most coaches will have extensive experience helping players with braces protect their expensive dental equipment.

2. Consult Your Orthodontist

bracesWhile store-bought mouthguard kits are sufficient for most kids, those with braces will likely need custom-made protection. Your child’s dentist will understand the risks of playing certain sports, and can create a mouthguard that fits perfectly over their teeth and braces.

3. Maintain the Mouthguard

Proper maintenance is essential for protecting your child’s teeth and preventing potentially dangerous infections. Mouthguards present an ideal breeding ground for yeast and bacteria, so make sure your child scrubs it with toothpaste or rinses it in mouthwash every day. They also take a lot of punishment on the field, especially if your child has braces, so replace the mouthguard immediately if it seems damaged or starts slipping around.


If your child is starting a sports league this fall, trust Mosling Orthodontics to keep their braces safe and preserve their smile. For over 20 years, their experienced doctor has provided detailed, personalized treatment plans to patients throughout Wisconsin’s Coulee Region, offering affordable services using the most advanced techniques in the field. Visit their website for an overview of their orthodontic services, get more dental tips and advice on Facebook, or call (608) 782-1950 to make an appointment today.
