
Convenience is the main reason DNA collection kits have grown in popularity. By sending a saliva sample to a lab for testing, you can find out more about your genetic markers, including the risk of developing chronic diseases. However, at-home DNA collection does have its drawbacks, which is why clinical testing is preferred for accurate results.    

3 Reasons DNA Collection Kits Shouldn't Replace Clinical Testing

1. The Results Aren’t Always Accurate

Since the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t regulate all DNA collection kits, there is a significant margin of error. A recent study found 40% of variants from raw data showed false positives. It’s also possible to get a report with false negatives, which is why it’s best to follow up with professional testing. From there, you’ll be in a better position to make decisions about your health. 

2. It Doesn’t Provide Many Answers

Chesterfield-Missouri-DNA-collectionFrom disease detection to how genes affect fitness, DNA collection kits can shed light on numerous issues regarding your health. However, the lab reports only provide basic information about a limited number of genetic markers. Clinical testing offers a broader picture of your overall health. A genetics counselor can then interpret and explain how lifestyle, family history, and other factors affect these results.   

3. A Small Population Serves as the Base

Lab testing from DNA collection kits uses a population database to determine the results. The controls are typically based on genetic markers for people with Northern European ancestry. As mutations can vary by race, the testing might not reflect the actual genetic makeup of people who fall outside of this group, including people of Asian and African descent.   


For accurate clinical testing of your genetic material, forgo at-home DNA collection kits and reach out to EMSI-BiState Professional Services instead. Based in Chesterfield, MO, this company provides genetic testing as well as drug screenings and insurance examinations for clients throughout Southern Illinois and Eastern Missouri. With over 30 years of experience, you can trust these professionals to provide accurate results. To learn more about your lab tests, read a brief overview online. Call (636) 537-3200 to book an appointment and share your experience on Facebook.
