
Ordering a thick, juicy cut of steak cooked exactly the way you like it is a satisfying meal. The level of doneness is crucial to ensuring that your steak turns out tender, succulent, and delicious. The next time you order a steak at a restaurant, use this guide to determine how you should have it cooked.

5 Degrees of Steak Doneness

1. Rare

This level of doneness features browning on the sides, light charring on the top and bottom, and a bright red center. Rare is ideal for people who want to enjoy the true flavor and texture of the steak because the heat hasn’t altered too much of the meat.

2. Medium Rare

restaurantMost restaurants recommend ordering steak medium rare because it balances char and flavor. Steaks that are cooked this way are browned on the sides and caramelized on the surfaces with a pinkish-red center.

3. Medium

If you’re unsure how done you like your steak, medium is a safe starting point because it’s not too raw and not too cooked. When you order a steak medium, it should be browned on all sides and charred on the top and bottom with a slightly pink center.

4. Medium Well

Order your steak medium well if you prefer fully cooked meat. The beef will be served with noticeable char and grill marks, and there will be only a slight hint of pink in the center.

5. Well Done

Cooked all the way through, well done steak is an ideal option for diners who don’t want the faintest bit of pinkness or rawness in the center. For optimal tenderness, restaurants cook well done steak slowly at a low temperature.


The next time you have a craving for perfectly-cooked steak, head to Chart House Waikiki in Honolulu, HI. This eatery offers a variety of steak cuts, including rib-eye, filet, and New York strip. These dishes are cooked to your liking and pair well with seafood and cocktails. View their menu online, or call (808) 941-6669 to make a reservation.
