
If you practice Christian worship, you likely want to pass on the Christian values to your children. However, many parents struggle to find the balance between growing their child’s belief and forcing it on them. The following are a few suggestions to help guide your children to the church.

How to Cultivate Your Child’s Christian Worship

1. Explain the Importance of Holidays

Teach your child that holidays like Christmas and Easter are more than just days to skip school. These occasions are fun and exciting, which will help keep their attention. They’re also an ideal opportunity to teach them the history of the religion, so they’ll learn to celebrate for the right reasons.

2. Use Prayer

Christian WorshipWhen cultivating Christian worship, it’s best to lead by example. Whether it’s at home before going to sleep or at Sunday worship, make time to pray as a family. This socializes the act and demonstrates that religion isn’t being forced on them, but rather something the entire family partakes in.

3. Turn to the Community

You don’t have to foster their belief alone. Churches are community organizations full of like-minded individuals, and introducing your child to others who share your faith will help them feel more like a member of a larger group than if it’s only done in your home.

4. Regularly Attend Church

Making attendance a part of your family’s normal weekly schedule naturalizes worship and makes your child more comfortable with the act. Whether it’s a Sunday service or weekly Bible study, making this a cornerstone of the family’s values demonstrates the importance of this practice.

5. Talk to Your Child

The complexities of religion can be hard to grasp at any age, so always be available and ensure your child knows you are there for them to talk to. Together you can work through any questions they may have. You can always admit when you don’t have an answer, as this will encourage learning more together.


For more advice on how to cultivate your child’s Christian worship, visit Mount Hebron Missionary Baptist Church in Dickinson, TX. They have their doors open to anyone looking to grow their connection to God, and they will help guide you through this process to empower the faith of your entire family. Call (409) 218-9339 with any questions you have or learn more online.