
Having a dependable furnace in your home is a must to stay cozy throughout the colder months. But even if your heating equipment worked reliably the previous year, it may have experienced some wear and tear that could leave it in poor shape for the upcoming season. Before you turn your appliance on, follow the maintenance steps below to ensure that your home has access to dependable, energy-efficient, and safe heating this winter.

5 Ways to Get Your Furnace Winter-Ready

1. Clean the Exhaust Vents

Remove soot buildup, pest infestations, and other debris that may be clogging exhaust vents or chimneys. In addition to presenting a fire risk, these blockages may cause carbon monoxide problems and hurt the furnace’s performance.

2. Check the Ducts

Turn the system on so that air can blow through the ventilation and feel around the ducts for leaks. If left unaddressed, these leaks can lead to heat loss and excessive energy use. For a temporary solution, seal openings with duct tape until an HVAC specialist can provide a permanent fix.

3. Replace the Air Filter

furnaceSwitch out the old furnace air filter for a new one. Make sure to replace it at least once every 90 days. Without replacement, the filter will get clogged and impair system efficiency, as well as air quality.  

4. Test Alarms

Check all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors throughout the house to ensure that they have fresh batteries and are working properly. If your furnace malfunctions, these alarms will alert you to dangers that could put you and your family in danger. 

5. Arrange an Inspection

During a professional inspection, a trustworthy HVAC contractor will provide equipment maintenance to ensure safe and optimal performance, such as cleaning internal components or lubricating moving parts. If necessary, they can also provide furnace repairs to prevent major breakdowns in the middle of winter.



Whether you need routine maintenance or comprehensive furnace repairs, Duncklee Cooling & Heating, Inc. in Stonington, CT, offers advanced care you can depend on. Serving Eastern Connecticut and Rhode Island for more than 40 years, this HVAC contractor has a reputation for providing swift, reliable, and affordable heating services. If your equipment is on its last legs, this team will also provide stress-free oil or gas furnace installations. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (860) 535-2552.  
