
If you’re looking to revitalize your appearance, a brow lift is one of the top ways to make a noticeable change. As people age, it isn’t uncommon for the skin on the forehead to begin to sag, which can make someone look tired, worried, or even angry. Brow lifts, also called forehead lifts, can quickly reverse this. If you’re considering having the procedure done, you might have a lot of questions. The guide below breaks down what you need to know in advance and what to expect during the surgery. 

What Does the Process Entail? 

During a brow lift, a surgeon will maneuver the skin and tissue of the forehead to smooth out the deep lines and creases. As people age, the skin loses elasticity, which results in sagging. A plastic surgeon can correct this in one of two ways. 

A trichophytic brow lift, also known as the “hairline brow lift,” is the process of making a continuous incision across the border of the hairline preserving the hair follicles. The skin is carefully lifted to adjust the fat, tissues, and facial muscles. The excess skin is trimmed away, and the incision is then stitched up. 

The endoscopic lift is less invasive than the hairline brow lift. Many small incisions are made in the scalp, and specialized equipment is used to release and elevate the brow tissue gently. A microscopic camera is inserted into one of the incisions to monitor the muscle and tissues beneath the skin. The forehead skin is lifted and secured on dissolvable posts that are resorbed 6 months later. 

What Does the Preparation Include? 

brow liftPrior to a brow lift, your surgeon will review your medical history and advise you of the preparations and necessary precautions. You will likely be asked to stop taking certain medications and supplements. They will also advise you to quit smoking, as it can decrease blood flow and slow the healing process. If your hair interferes, your surgeon may ask that you trim it back prior to the procedure. 

Recovery time will vary depending upon the person and the type of procedure, but most patients should be back to work within seven to ten days. Immediately after the surgery, your head will be wrapped loosely in bandages to help minimize swelling. For the first two days after the procedure, you will need to keep your head elevated to reduce swelling. You may notice bruising on other parts of your face. The swelling should diminish significantly after a couple of weeks. Your surgeon will schedule an appointment approximately ten days later to remove the stitches. 


If you’re looking for an experienced and reliable plastic surgeon to perform a brow lift procedure, turn to Mao Facial Plastic Surgery in Orange, CT. Dr. Johnny Mao and his practice partner Dr. Richard Restifo specialize in helping people look and feel their best. From brow and lip lifts to ear reshaping, they carefully target the signs of aging and reverse them. Visit them online to learn more about their services or call the office today at (203) 907-0501. 
