
You likely know that your diet impacts your health in a variety of ways. However, are you aware of the foods and drinks dentists recommend avoiding to maintain optimum oral health? The following guide highlights some of the most harmful substances people eat so you can adjust your diet accordingly.

3 Foods & Beverages Dentists Warn Against

1. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits—lemons, oranges, limes, and grapefruits—contain high levels of acid. Acid breaks down the enamel on your teeth, resulting in sensitivity, discoloration, and decay. Try to limit your consumption of citrus to improve dental health. When you do have an orange or drink grapefruit juice, brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with water immediately afterward.

2. Bread

dentistGrain products are a rich source of carbohydrates, but they’re often damaging to teeth because of their high sugar content. White bread, in particular, should be avoided to keep smiles healthy and bright. When you eat bread, the compounds in your saliva turn starches into bacteria-attracting sugar. Additionally, the fibrous nature of bread makes it easy to get stuck between your teeth. When you have bread, opt for whole wheat instead of white, and floss as soon as possible after eating.

3. Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages are dehydrating. Dehydration has negative consequences for oral health. When your mouth is dry and lacks saliva, the chances of food debris getting wedged between teeth increases. Stuck-on debris attracts bacteria, leading to decay and cavities. Have one glass of water after every glass of alcohol to prevent the damaging effects of dehydration.


If you need help adjusting your diet to ensure optimum oral health, turn to Pfeiffer Family Dentistry in Fort Thomas. This team of family dental professionals has more than 35 years of experience providing top-quality preventative, cosmetic, restorative, and emergency services to residents of Northern Kentucky. Visit them online to learn more, or call (859) 441-1900 to schedule an appointment with a dentist today.
