
Your smile is one of the first features people notice, and it helps you make a positive impression. To keep it looking brilliant, go to the dentist twice a year so that they can clean your teeth or whiten them. If you’re looking for a natural way to keep your smile beautiful, follow these helpful tips.

3 Ways to Maintain White Teeth

1. Practice Excellent Oral Hygiene

Maintaining a healthy oral hygiene routine at home is the best line of defense against surface stains and oral health problems, like plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum disease. Brush twice a day and floss at night to wash away contaminants and keep your smile beautiful. To care for your teeth while you’re out of the house, pack a travel toothbrush and a small container of mouthwash to keep staining bacteria at bay.

2. Quit Smoking

dentistNicotine and tar are toxic chemicals in cigarettes, and these agents will quickly stain and yellow your teeth. Consistent heavy smoking will eventually turn your smile brown. To kick the habit and keep your teeth white, call a quitline, develop a quit plan, and find healthy ways to manage your cravings.

3. Use a Straw

Teeth are often stained as a result of the dark beverages you consume, like coffee, tea, red wine, and fruit juices. To prevent discoloration, enjoy these drinks through a straw to ensure the liquid bypasses your teeth.


For more tips on how you can maintain your smile, contact Nelson Hatanaka D.D.S., in Honolulu, HI. This trustworthy dentist has been providing his patients with quality care since 1983, offering routine cleanings, implants, and digital X-rays. Dr. Hatanaka and his team happily welcome new patients, and they accommodate busy schedules by offering appointments on Saturdays and in the early morning hours. Book a visit to this dentist by scheduling online or calling (808) 395-1922.
