
Winter conditions can overwhelm your home, especially its roof. Ice, snow, and wind have the potential to harm shingles, flashing, and a roof’s underlying decking. At the first sign of the following developments, contact a roofing contractor for an inspection and repair.

How to Spot Roofing Damage Caused By Winter Weather

1. Missing or Broken Shingles

The weight of snow and ice may cause shingles to shift, break, and fall off. When shingles are missing or broken, your roof is vulnerable to moisture and pests, both of which cause more damage once inside.

2. Dislodged Gutters

Icicles on your eaves and gutters may look picturesque, but their weight may cause the gutters on your home to loosen. Water won’t drain away properly if gutters are broken. Instead, it will flood your foundation. When water gathers in pools around the perimeter of your home, it may seep into your basement.

3. Ice Dams

roofingIce dams form when melting ice or snow slides off the edge of a roof, only to refreeze. They often refreeze underneath shingles, allowing water to leak into your home.

4. Sagging Roof

A slight layer of snow on a roof may not be concerning, but mounds of wet snow are heavy. When snowdrifts build up, roofs may sag. A sagging roof, which may be on the verge of collapse, requires attention from a contractor.

5. Moisture in the Attic 

Melting snow and ice can penetrate your home's interior through the attic if your roof has sustained damage. Look for signs of condensation and mold periodically, paying careful attention to the ceiling, rafters, and walls.


Residents in Onalaska, WI, rely on the experienced roofing contractors at Coulee Region Roofing & Siding when they experience winter roof damage. They're locally owned and have been providing roof installation and repairs for 30 years. Call (608) 780-5582 today to request a consultation, or visit their website to learn more about their services.
