
As a pet owner, you want to keep your furry friend as healthy as possible. Sometimes, that means bringing them to the vet for a pet ultrasound. But what does this service entail, and when is it necessary? To better understand the upcoming procedure, review the guide below.

Common Questions About Pet Ultrasounds

How do they work?

A pet ultrasound works the same way as an ultrasound for a human. The vet will send high-frequency waves toward the area in question using a small probe known as a transducer. As the waves echo back, images are produced on a screen, allowing the doctor to see what's happening inside the body.

What are they used to detect?

pet ultrasoundUltrasounds are used to detect a broad range of conditions. These include cancer, pregnancy, liver damage, stomach problems, heart murmurs, and both kidney and prostate complications.

When should you ask for one?

Since your pet can't communicate how they're feeling, you must become familiar with warning signs that they're sick. For example, if they're urinating more frequently than usual or have lost or gained a significant amount of weight in a short period, they may be unwell. Likewise, if they're exhibiting tenderness or sensitivity in their stomach, or are more sluggish than usual, you should bring them to the animal clinic for an ultrasound.

When will your vet recommend one?

Your doctor may also recommend an ultrasound as a follow-up to a routine exam. For example, if a blood or urine test reveals abnormalities, or they're concerned about an internal growth they discovered during the appointment, they might request an ultrasound to inspect your pet's condition further.


If you think your furry friend needs a pet ultrasound, bring them to Animal Health Center in Enterprise, AL. With over 50 years of experience in a broad range of wellness services, they make it easy to keep your pet healthy and happy. Visit them online to learn more about their preventative services, and call (334) 347-0544 to schedule an appointment today.
