
Most people know that lead in water can be dangerous. However, not everyone understands the specific threats posed by this hazard. Investing in water treatment when this occurs will protect your food production business and affiliated products. 

What Causes Lead to Be In Water?

Lead enters your water supply when your building’s plumbing system is outdated. Most facilities built before 1986 feature lead fixtures like pipes and faucets. Over time, these elements corrode, and the materials they’re made with will enter the water supply.

How Does Lead In Your Water Impact Your Business?

water treamtentThere are several dangers associated with lead consumption, from damage to the kidneys, liver, and spleen to anemia and memory loss. It’s crucial you ensure your products aren’t exposed to this type of contamination. If your goods are created or washed in lead-ridden water, your consumers might experience side effects. This could negatively impact your business and possibly lead to a lawsuit. 

How Can You Prevent This Issue?

The safest way to prevent consumer exposure is to invest in a supply test. The water treatment company will collect a sample and send it to a lab for examination. If harmful levels of lead are detected, they’ll recommend a water treatment option to eliminate the contamination and mitigate further issues moving forward. You can also routinely check your supply’s pH levels and adjust accordingly, as well as install corrosion inhibitors to reduce the risks of degraded materials contaminating the water.


If you’re concerned about lead in the water supply used by your business, contact the professionals at Western Environmental Management in Carlsbad, NM, for assistance. Since 1982, these water treatment professionals have provided residents throughout Eddy County with access to state-of-the-art technologies and equipment. Visit them online to learn more about their services, and call (575) 885-5709 to discuss your needs with a team member today.
