
There are two leading schools of thought to working out—you’re either building up muscle with strength training, or you’re staying fit with cardio. But finding balance between the two in your weekly workouts is essential for real progress. With proper planning and fitness equipment, you can fit strength training and cardio into every week. Use these helpful tips to create a workout routine that achieves both your cardio and strength training goals.

Incorporating Cardio and Strength Training Into Your Workout Routine

1. Combine Workouts

The most common way to fit both kinds of workouts into your routine is to split up your training—lift a few days a week and do cardio on the others. This is beneficial if you’re looking to improve one specific aspect of your fitness. However, you can also incorporate cardio and strength into one workout. Try using fitness equipment like ankle weights or kettlebells while doing high-intensity exercises like burpees and jump squats, so you’re breaking a sweat while building muscle.

2. Try Yoga

Yoga increases your flexibility and isolates supporting muscles that aren’t necessarily used while running or lifting. If you can’t attend a yoga class, practice poses during your post-workout stretch to tone your muscles and increase mobility in your hips. This will benefit both your lifting and cardio workouts in the future.

3. Use Correct Form

Whether you’re strength training or doing cardio, If you’re not performing the exercises correctly, you won’t get the desired results. Slow down and focus on your form, especially for moves like squats, deadlifts, and step-ups. These workouts build lower body muscles that help with your gait and take pressure off your knees, whether running or lifting.

4. Take Rest Days

Take at least two rest days per week, especially when strength training. Your muscles need at least 48 hours to recover after lifting. Remember—sleep not only replenishes energy, but it also revitalizes your muscles. It’s imperative to your fitness goals to get plenty of rest and don’t overdo it.

5. Switch Up Your Schedule

Doing the same fitness routine over and over is bound to get boring and often lead to burnout. Change up your cardio by doing a dance class for a few weeks or try outdoor activities like hiking or rock climbing to incorporate muscle work as well. Always listen to your body and don’t be afraid to stray from your predetermined schedule if you need to.


If you’re interested in high-quality fitness equipment to take your workout to the next level, reach out to Exercise & Leisure Equipment Co. in Cincinnati, OH. Serving commercial and residential customers in southeast Ohio and northern Kentucky, this gym equipment provider offers everything from treadmills and exercise bikes to cycling equipment and dumbbells. With more than 69 years of experience, they can help get your commercial fitness center off the ground or provide you with premium equipment for your new home gym! Call (513) 531-7777 today or visit their website for more information.
