
Resisting the urge to slip a piece of food to your pet when they’re begging at the dinner table is essential to pet health. Giving in too often to those large, hopeful eyes gazing intensely at your plate could have detrimental effects and cause your furry friend more harm than good. Here’s why.

3 Reasons Not to Give Dogs Table Scraps

1. Prevent Bad Habits

Pets test their boundaries, pestering for a taste the moment their owners bring out the food. If you give in, they’ll realize your limits and use that to their advantage. Don’t let your pets become tiresome table fixtures when guests are over or when your family gathers for meals. Prevent bad habits by refusing their entreaties. They’ll learn they can’t push you around and will eventually get bored, leaving you to enjoy a meal in peace.

2. Protect Pet Health

pet healthHuman food isn’t made for dogs. Consuming too much of it may jeopardize their health. Some ingredients in table scraps, such as chocolate and grapes, are toxic. If you continue to slip them treats from the table, you’ll lose track of how much food they’re ingesting. Restrict their intake of scraps to preserve pet health, and reduce the need for diet-related emergency visits to the veterinary clinic.

3. Promote Regular Food

Pets who regularly consume human food tend to become picky about dog food. They develop a taste for its flavors and come to expect more than the average bowl of kibble. To curb finicky eating behaviors, ensure they eat only the food that’s meant for them. If they don’t know what they’re missing, they’ll lick the bowl clean every time.


If you’re concerned about your pet’s eating habits, reach out to Parker Animal Clinic in Clarksville, AR. These professionals provide around-the-clock pet care and are licensed to work with both large and small animals. They’ve been in operation for over 18 years, utilizing state-of-the-art equipment and treatment techniques whether analyzing blood work or administering vaccines. They also manage an online discount store for medications, which you can access through their website. To schedule an appointment, call (479) 754-5656.
