
Even if you appreciate that spiders are nature’s little exterminators, you probably don’t want them popping up in your shower, kitchen, or bedroom. Fortunately, there are preventive methods of spider control. To restore harmony to your home, here’s a list of steps you can take to keep them outside where they belong. 

How to Get Rid of Spiders

1. Move Your Shrubbery 

Spiders like to build their webs around shrubs and mulch. If there are bushes against your house, they’ll make it easier for spiders to travel inside when the weather gets too cold. Relocating your shrubs—particularly those close to vents and openings—will reduce this access.

2. Cut Down on the Clutter

Being neat and organized might seem like a simple battle plan for spider control, but if you declutter your house, spiders will have fewer places to hide. Start by cleaning out your closets and rooms with low foot traffic. This is an ideal opportunity to clean up the basement as well. 

3. Essential Oils & Vinegar

spider controlMake your own spider repellent with vinegar or essential oils. Effective bug-repelling oils include peppermint, lavender, and citrus. Pour vinegar into a spray bottle and mist problem areas. To show the spiders you mean business, combine these ingredients into one powerful concoction and apply it to your spider danger zones.

4. Seal Up Your Home

Use caulk to fill any holes, cracks, or small entrance points that would allow a spider or other pests to get in. These are often found around windows and doors. Check your window screens and repair any rips. Special insect screens for chimneys and vents will also help fortify your home.

5. Remove Their Prey

Spiders prey on other insects. If you don’t have food for your unwanted guests, they’re likely to go someplace else. To help keep other pests out of your home, turn the outside light off when you’re not actively using it and make sure doors aren’t left open. Clean your kitchen at the end of every day, including using airtight containers for all the food in your pantry.


If you’ve tried all these tips for spider control and are still seeing them, contact Southeast Termite & Pest Control in Knoxville, TN. From mosquito control to the elimination of cockroaches, the professional team will give you peace of mind with the experience they’ve gained over the past 50 years. To learn more about their pest control services, visit them online. Call (865) 925-3700 to schedule an estimate for your home.
