
Thanksgiving is a time for tradition and celebration. If you’re already thinking about sitting down to a meal of your holiday favorites, take a moment to consider what dentists think about Thanksgiving dinners. Here’s what you need to know about protecting your teeth while enjoying turkey and all the classic holiday sides.

The Effect of 5 Thanksgiving Day Foods on Your Teeth

1. Turkey

Aside from the risk of getting stuck between your teeth, turkey—the Thanksgiving main course—is generally no problem for your dental health. It’s full of healthy protein, a necessary component of any balanced diet. Keep your dentist happy by flossing after dinner to remove any bits from your mouth.

2. Cranberry Sauce

Although cranberry sauce is a delicious Thanksgiving side, it’s  harmful to your teeth. The sugar added to the sauce to offset the tartness of the berries feeds teeth-damaging bacteria. The acid in cranberries can also wear away tooth enamel, leading to further dental decay, and the color will stain. If you can’t resist the cranberries, consume them with plenty of water and saliva to neutralize the acid and wash away excess sugar.

3. Yams

dentistYams are a healthy root vegetable filled with A and C vitamins. Both are necessary for gum health. However, many Thanksgiving yams are caramelized with brown sugar and topped with sticky, sweet marshmallows. Prepare yams without the added sugar and marshmallow. A touch of butter and balsamic vinegar may be all the flavoring they need.

4. Mashed Potatoes

Potatoes, which are an excellent source of vitamins C and B6 as well as potassium, are also starchy. Starches feed decay-causing bacteria in your mouth. Drink plenty of water, and eat your side of potatoes along with a well-balanced meal of protein and vegetables.

5. Pumpkin Pie

When vitamin-rich squashes, including pumpkins, are made into pie, they’re enriched with eggs, cream, and sugar. According to dentists, you can protect your teeth while still enjoying pie if you eat it soon after your Thanksgiving meal is over. When saliva production is still high, sugar doesn’t linger on teeth.


Protect your smile during the holiday season by contacting Jim S. Caudill, DMD, PSC, in Hazard, KY. This family dentist has been providing outstanding dental care to the residents of Perry County since 1975. He offers oral exams, teeth cleaning, oral surgery, and teeth whitening services to keep your smile beautiful and healthy all year long. Learn more about this practice online, or call (606) 436-3432 to schedule an appointment.
