
Wearing contact lenses for the first time can be an exciting but difficult experience. Although you get the benefit of corrected eyesight without having to worry about glasses, contact lenses have unique qualities that you have to become accustomed to. When you get your first pair of contacts, keep the following tips in mind to help you adjust to them as quickly as possible.

How to Get Used to Contact Lenses

1. Use Soft Ones

Hard contact lenses are very tough and sturdy, which makes it easy to take care of them. In fact, they’ll usually last a year or more. However, it’s harder for your eyes to get used to them, and they’re easily pushed out of place. If you’re new to wearing contacts, start with soft ones. They'll need to be replaced every month or so, but they’re more comfortable and likely to stay in the center of your eyes.

2. Stay Healthy

contact lensesYour eyes get dried out and irritated when you don’t get enough sleep or keep yourself hydrated. In turn, contact lenses will be painful to wear. If you spend a lot of time around heaters, air conditioners, computer screens, or anywhere with dry air, keep eye drops handy, so your eyes can retain their moisture.

3. Clean Them Regularly

Use a contact solution to clean your lenses every time you put them in your eyes, as well as each time you place them in their case, which should be filled with solution. Wash out the case with warm water and mild soap at least once a week, and replace it every three months.

4. Follow the Rules

It might be tempting to use contact lenses longer than recommended or buy a cheaper lens brand than the one your optometrist instructed. However, your eyes are sensitive, and these rules are meant to keep them healthy. To get the best possible results from wearing your contact lenses, strive to follow the advice your optometrist gives you and only use the contacts and solution as recommended.


To get additional advice about contact lenses, as well as a prescription for them, go to Dr. Ron Sealock in Dothan, AL. To go along with an eye exam, Dr. Sealock will also provide an iWellness scan to check for signs of glaucoma and macular degeneration. He prioritizes excellent customer service and access to high-quality care, which is why his clients keep coming back. Schedule an appointment today by calling (334) 793-9607 or sending a message online
