
Dentures are an effective solution for missing teeth. They let their wearers eat and speak with confidence, all while reclaiming their smile. With proper care, they should last for years. Follow these tips for taking good care of your dentures.


Clean and remove at night.

As part of your bedtime routine, remove and rinse your dentures, then clean them thoroughly with a soft brush. Soak them overnight in a cleaning solution. Most dentures need to be kept moist to retain their shape and remain comfortable. Follow instructions provided by your dentist regarding the specific products you should use.

Rinse after eating.

denturesFor full or partial removable dentures, remove and rinse them in warm water after eating. This helps remove food particles from the dentures. Rinse your mouth while the dentures are out to make sure no food will be trapped when you put them back in. Brush your tongue, cheeks, and gums gently with a soft brush. This will help remove any dental adhesive as well.


Ingest denture products.

Most denture care products are not intended for internal use. Make sure to rinse your dentures thoroughly after soaking or cleaning. When brushing gums or natural teeth, use regular toothpaste, not the denture product. Cleaning solutions often have chemicals that can burn the inside of the mouth and cause vomiting if swallowed.

Handle dentures roughly.

Your new teeth have been carefully custom-crafted to fit comfortably in your mouth. While they are durable, metal and plastic pieces of the dentures can be bent and the porcelain composite can break if it is dropped in a sink or countertop. 


Follow the tips above and see a dentist regularly to ensure that your dentures will last for many years. If you need partial or full dentures in Kaneohe, HI, or anywhere on Oahu, visit Kathleen Kujiraoka, DDS. Her practice specializes in “radiant smiles,” including crafting comfortable, natural-looking dentures and implants. For all your dental needs, this practice offers friendly, gentle care. Call (808) 235-2121 to make an appointment or visit the website to see a full range of offerings.
