
Whether you’re eating a meal together or exchanging gifts, the holiday season is all about spending time with your loved ones. It’s also the perfect opportunity to share your Christian values with your community. Exemplify your beliefs, and you’ll spread holiday cheer in the process. Here are a few ways to practice Christian values. 

How to Practice Your Christian Values This Holiday Season

1. Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen

Christ served others, and service remains a core Christian value to this day. Do your part and contribute to your community by volunteering at a local soup kitchen. Extra hands will be needed during the holiday season to prepare and serve food for people who are less fortunate.

2. Pay for a Stranger’s Coffee

christianYou never know what another person may be going through in life. Showing empathy for strangers can brighten their day as well as yours. When you’re in line at a coffee shop this holiday season, pay for another individual’s drink to show them some compassion. This random act of kindness may have a rippling effect, and you may end up touching more than one life.

3. Donate to Charity

Support your community and help people in need by making a charitable donation. From veteran’s associations to homeless shelters, many organizations will benefit from your generosity. If you aren’t sure which charity to choose, look up a few organizations and find one with a mission statement you believe in.

4. Express Your Gratitude

The holidays offer much to be thankful for, such as having plenty of food, friends, and healthy family members. Practice humility and take the time to express your thankfulness. Tell your loved ones what they mean to you, or thank the Lord for everything you have in prayer.


If you’re looking for more ways to practice your Christian values this holiday season, go to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Honolulu, HI. This congregation welcomes tourists and locals alike to their Sunday worship services, Bible study groups, and community outreach programs. View their recent sermons online, or call (808) 922-6011 to inquire about their upcoming service projects.
