
Every CrossFit® box, or gym, is unique. If you’re new to this workout, you should find one that aligns with your goals. As you begin exploring options in your area, remember the following to ensure you find a place that will meet all your needs.

What to Look for in a CrossFit Gym

1. Check Structure & Culture

A significant aspect of CrossFit is the community. Many boxes have a unique culture that unites members. This may or may not be what you need. If it seems too independent or group-oriented, move on, and find your preference elsewhere.

Look also at the structure. Are there consistent classes that will serve your goals? Is there free workout time? What’s the class schedule and gym hours? You don’t want to find that the class availability doesn’t match your schedule.

2. Inspect the Equipment

gym-minnesotaCrossFit uses a wide variety of traditional and non-traditional equipment. If you have a workout preference, make sure the gym has everything you’ll need. See how organized the equipment is, how members care for it, and the quantity. You don’t want to wait in line to use gear or risk injuring yourself on faulty equipment.

3. Research the Coaches

CrossFit coaches are an invaluable resource. If they aren’t available, however, or if the staff to student ratio is off-balance, you may never get to take full advantage of their expertise. Look into their background. Many have military experience, were professional athletes, or are pioneers in the field. Often, their environments weigh heavily into the workout design, so find a coach you think will match your style.


CrossFit Elk River invites Sherburne County, MN, residents of every skill level to their box. They offer a variety of options, including cardio training, personal fitness, self-defense classes, and nutrition assistance. Visit their website to explore their class system and programming and call (763) 777-9032 to speak with a representative. You can receive more workout tips by connecting on Facebook.
