
If you leave your dog alone all day when you’re at work, they can get bored quickly. When dogs don’t get enough stimulation in their daily life, all sorts of mischief may result. Animal day care services are a great option to get many pups active. Here’s a closer look at how to determine whether your dog is bored and what you can do for a solution.

How to Tell if Your Dog Is Bored & How to Fix It

Signs of Boredom

Most dogs won’t hesitate to let you know they’re bored. A major sign is destructive behavior. Dogs may get into the garbage, eat sofa cushions, or create a general disaster when they have nothing to do and you’re not home.

If you’re around, they’ll often bark, beg, or whine to get your attention. Sometimes they’ll follow you around the house, too, probably hoping you’ll start doing something interesting with them.

If your dog is exhibiting these behaviors, they’re probably bored. If you’re concerned it may be something more serious, check with a veterinarian. 

How to Cure Your Dog’s Boredom

animal daycare servicesLuckily, there are many ways to help your dog kick their boredom. For the most activity, the best bet is an animal day care service. Your dog can run around, play with other dogs, and have tons of fun. Doggy day care treats your dog like you would if you didn’t have to go to work.

If animal day care services aren’t a daily option for you, once a week is a special treat. There are other ideas to try, too. Take your dog out for a walk or to play fetch before you leave for work. This will tire them out for a while and keep them contented. Buy them some puzzle toys that require them to use their brains and work hard to get a treat. Just make sure any toy you leave out while you’re not home is safe.

Dogs thrive on routine. When they know you’ll be back at 5 p.m. every day to play with them or that they get to play fetch at noon, they’ll have something to look forward to. This is an effective system because some experts say dogs tell time in an interesting way: they can smell it.


If you’re concerned about your dog’s boredom, consider the animal day care services at Animal Care Center of Fairfield located in Fairfield, OH. Their professionals know how to make pets feel welcome in their home away from home. They offer doggy day care seven days a week at a reasonable price. Visit their website or call (513) 829-6621 to learn more about their facility and staff.
