
As winter weather sets in and temperatures drop, it’s smart to think about whether or not your home’s pipes are equipped to handle the cold. If your pipes freeze, it won’t just leave you without water—the expanding liquid inside can also burst pipes, leading to flooding, water damage, costly repairs, and insurance claims. Follow the guide below to prevent frozen pipes in your house this winter.

3 Tips for Keeping Your Pipes From Freezing

1. Mind Your Thermostat

For homeowners who are gone during the day, it’s tempting to set the thermostat to a lower temperature to save on energy when no one is home. But on bitterly cold days, not running the furnace could let the temperature in your home sink too low, creating the ideal conditions for a burst pipe. If you’re in the habit of running the thermostat a bit cooler overnight, change the settings so that your home stays warm during the coldest hours of the night.

2. Leave a Faucet Running

insuranceRemember to check the weather forecast before you go to bed. If the temperature is supposed to plummet overnight, turn on any faucets that connect to exposed pipes. They don’t have to be open very much, just enough to create a steady trickle of water. Even a little bit of running water greatly reduces the chances of freezing inside the pipes.

3. Add Insulation

Pipes are most prone to freezing in the lower and upper portions of the home, where you’re less likely to have heat. If pipes run through your attic or basement, adding insulation in those spaces is easy, and can help hold in heat. You should also consider having exposed pipes wrapped with heat tape or encased with an insulated sleeve.


Even with the right precautions, a burst pipe or other plumbing disaster could cause damage to your home. Protect your family and your finances with home insurance from Metro Insurance Agency. Based in Waynesboro, VA, they have over two decades of experience providing homeowners, auto, motorcycle, boat, and business insurance. To get a quote on the policies you need, call (540) 942-2200, or learn more online.
