
Winter will be here soon, and for truck drivers, that means facing a new set of challenges on the road. Luckily, there are a few best practices that will help you stay safe. Here are some of the most effective ways to minimize danger while driving in winter weather. 

3 Winter Truck Driving Safety Tips

1. Maintain Your Vehicle

During a heavy snowstorm, having fully functional windshield wipers, brakes, and headlights are crucial to ensure full visibility and capability. Before the peak of the season hits, bring your truck to a mechanic for a full inspection of all components.

truck driverCheck the oil along with braking, coolant, radiator, and power steering fluids as well. This will ensure the truck won’t suffer an unexpected breakdown in unfavorable conditions.

2. Drive Defensively

Note the recommended speed limits in each area, and try to drive five miles per hour less than that to give yourself better control over the truck. Additionally, keep at least one truck’s worth of distance between you and other vehicles to ensure you have ample time to brake and account for decreased traction on the road. 

3. Make Smart Choices

Your judgment is one of the strongest tools against an accident, so continue to evaluate your abilities and the conditions while driving. For example, if the wind and snow start to pick up, consider whether it’s safe to continue on—regardless of your anticipated schedule.

If you begin to feel tired behind the wheel, don’t assume you’re alert enough to manage the conditions of the road. The importance of rest is even greater in inclement weather.


If you’re looking for ways to become an effective, skilled, and knowledgeable truck driver, consult the professionals at Great Lakes Truck Driving School in Columbia Station, OH. Their instructors have over 500 years of collective experience and are proud to offer their students flexible learning options. Visit their website to learn more about their truck driver courses and call (440) 236-3436 to discuss your needs with a team member today. 
