
An arborist is a trained tree specialist. This is a more difficult job than most people realize. The nature of the work means that all your tree care should be left to these professionals, whether you need a stump removed or pruning done. Know the benefits of hiring a professional, and you’ll understand why this is worth the investment.

3 Benefits of Hiring an Arborist

1. Long-Term Healthy Trees

A professional knows how to provide care that will encourage long-term healthy growth. For example, they’ll know how to prune away branches that are diseased or dying, that will affect light penetration to the rest of the tree, or that will interfere with utilities. They know the signs of trouble, such as an insect infestation or a disease, and can provide timely tree treatment.

2. Better Safety

arborist-dale-alWorking on trees is dangerous. A professional has the right equipment and training to do this safely. They’ll take off branches or take down entire trees in a way that doesn’t put any people or property at risk. They’ll also provide more long-term safety for your existing trees by removing compromised branches that could fall and hurt someone or sway in the wind and hit your building.

3. Improved Appearance

When trees are encouraged to grow with the right structure, they look beautiful. A tree with the right shape and thriving greenery will do wonders for your curb appeal. Gorgeous, healthy trees will boost your property value and make you enjoy looking out at your yard.


The professionals at TrimCo Tree Experts offer a full range of services for your yard. This qualified arborist team prioritizes safety and tree health with every service throughout the Wiregrass, AL, area, including Dale, Houston, Henry, Dothan, and Barber counties. Their certified and trained team members are covered by worker’s compensation. See their full list of services online, and call (334) 791-2087 to schedule an appointment.
