
If your a fan of Chinese food, you’ve probably had dumplings before, so you know there’s more to these little treats than meets the eye. The history of Chinese dumplings is the same—after learning a few surprising facts, you’ll develop a new appreciation for them beyond their delicious taste. Here’s a brief history of the dumpling and how it evolved into the world-famous Chinese restaurant staple it is today.

The Origin Story

Stuffed dumplings, also known as jiaozi, were first made over 1,800 years ago as one man’s attempt to make a difference in his village. Zhang Zhongjian specialized in holistic Chinese medicine, and during one unusually cold winter, he returned to his home village and saw many of the villagers were suffering from cold-borne illnesses and frostbite. In an effort to fight the cold, he created the first dumplings—a thin dough wrapped and boiled around a mix of spicy food, including healing herbs, meat, and chili peppers. He fed his new dish to the villagers until the end of the winter, and the spiciness combined with nutrients in the herbs may have actually helped promote healing.

The Cultural Significance 

Chinese foodFrom that moment, dumplings became an essential staple of Chinese food, even though they started as more of a snack than a meal. They’re traditionally eaten the night of the Chinese New Year, as the hour changes over into the new year. Dumplings are said to bring happiness, wealth, and good health for the upcoming year. Outside of the Chinese New Year, they’re seen as a source of comfort, warmth, and a homey feel.

The Modern Twists

Today, there are hundreds of different types of dumplings in Chinese food and cuisines around the world. While they were initially boiled, they can also be steamed for fluffier dough or pan-fried for a lovely crispy outside layer. The filling is highly variable, with ingredients like chicken, mung bean, pork, cabbage, egg, and vegetables. They’re also served with a variety of sauces, such as green chile, sweet and sour, and garlic sauce.

If you’re craving dumplings, try the delicious Chinese food at Chengdu Taste | 滋味成都 in Honolulu. They are a Chinese restaurant that values authentic dishes with a unique flair and their menu boasts all the classics—from dumplings and wontons to rice and noodle dishes. Whether you want spicy food or something mild and savory, their menu offers dishes for every taste at a price that’s tasty, too. View their menu online and call (808) 589-1818 to place a carryout order.
