
What’s one of the first things you notice when meeting someone new? It’s probably their smile—and that first impression sets the tone for every interaction you share afterward. Dental veneers are a common cosmetic procedure that can make you feel more comfortable about the image you project to the world.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers cover the front of a tooth to improve its appearance. They can be made with porcelain or resin composite material that matches the color of your surrounding teeth. Although they aren’t your natural teeth, they are extremely durable and can be used the same way as normal teeth.

What Conditions Are Treated With Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers can conceal:

  • Discoloration

  • Teeth gaps

  • Irregular shaping

  • Teeth misalignment

  • Chips

What Is the Process for Getting Dental Veneers?

Dental-veneers-Bryan-County-GAThis procedure will be complete in two to three appointments. Your dentist will conduct an exam, take X-rays, and evaluate your candidacy during your consultation. Veneers are only recommended for patients who have healthy teeth and gums.

Once you’re deemed an eligible candidate, the dentist will need to take impressions of your teeth. They'll gently buff the surface of each tooth where a veneer will be installed, removing approximately half a millimeter of the enamel. Then, they will use a clay-like substance to make a mold. The finished impressions will be sent to a lab that will size and shape the fixtures.

The finished veneers will be sent to your dental office in two to four weeks. Then, you’ll return to the clinic for bonding. The dentist will clean, polish, and gently “etch” your teeth to create a texture that will adhere to the medical-grade dental “cement.”

Next, the dentist will carefully match the color of your veneers to your surrounding teeth as they position the material across the front surface of your tooth. Afterward, they’ll use an ultraviolet light to harden the cement. Finally, they’ll evaluate your bite and make any necessary adjustments.

Your new smile will last about five to 10 years with normal care once the procedure is complete. You can eat and drink normally; all you need to do to protect your veneers is brush twice a day, floss daily, use a fluoride mouthwash, and see your dentist every six months for cleanings.

If you’d like to schedule a consultation to learn how to makeover your smile, call Richmond Hill Family & Cosmetic Dentistry at (912) 756-3880 today. Located in Bryan County, GA, the clinic provides cosmetic services and preventative care. Visit their website to learn more about their state-of-the-art practice and compassionate team.
