
If your home has hard water, consider investing in a water softener system. Hard water can leave residue on your dishes, fade your clothes, and leave your scalp dry and itchy after a shower. It can even shorten the life of major appliances like your dishwasher. Here’s how to tell what kind of water you have at home, and why a water softener is worth the investment.

Hard vs. Soft Water

Water is naturally soft when it falls from the sky, but it picks up minerals as it soaks into the ground. Some people prefer to drink hard water because of the minerals like calcium and magnesium, but the damage can be costly. Hard water leaves behind white chalky deposits, which can build up in your appliances and cause clogs in pipes. You’ll notice that soap doesn’t lather as well either.

Soft water has been treated to remove most of the minerals, leaving behind only trace amounts of iodine. Incoming water is treated through a process called ion exchange in which the liquid passes through a filter that uses a negative charge to attract positive calcium and mineral ions. 

The Benefits of a Water Softener water softener

Homeowners will start to notice that using a water softener means less soap scum left behind in the tub, cleaner dishes, and softer clothes. It’s excellent for hair and skin as well, leaving it feeling softer and less sticky. Hard water is also terrible for your appliances and can clog up coffee machines and dishwashers. Using a water softener means your appliances won’t have to work as hard, saving you money on your energy bill and keeping them working longer.


Northern Water Treatment in Fridley, MN, has over 50 years of experience providing quality plumbing services. From sump pumps to water heater installation, their reliable technicians can handle a full array of general plumbing issues. Are you thinking about investing in a water softener treatment system? Call (763) 274-1476 today to set up your free estimate, or visit them online to view their offerings.  
