
Many people associate back pain with aging, but children and teens are just as susceptible to it. Recognizing some of the common causes will help you prevent chronic symptoms in your little one, or identify the source if they are already experiencing it.

3 Reasons Children Might Experience Back Pain

1. Obesity

Carrying excessive weight puts extra strain on the spine, which can lead to chronic back pain.

To prevent this, help your child maintain a healthy weight, which will depend on their height, age, and gender. Make sure they’re eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of protein and limit their intake of sugar. Obesity can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, and many other health complications, so seek nutritional counseling if you need assistance.

2. Impacts & Sports Injuries

back-pain-anchorageMinor injuries are part of childhood. Whether they happen on the playground or during a sports game, accidents like bumps and falls can result in injuries that cause back pain.

To prevent this, it’s important that you teach your child to follow proper safety procedures. They should always wear the proper gear during contact sports. Warming up and stretching the joints before activities will also help prevent injury.

3. Carrying Heavy Books Incorrectly

Hauling bags full of books directly affects the back. Make sure your child wears a backpack that fits comfortably and does not sway as they walk. They should always wear both straps on their shoulders to evenly distribute the weight. When carrying books by hand, they should have about the same weight in each hand so they aren’t pulling their body to one side.


If your child is experiencing back pain, contact The Healing Center. This Anchorage, AK, practice has served patients of all ages since 1987, using a combination of chiropractic care, massage therapy, and spinal decompression to resolve physical discomfort. Visit their website to learn more about their health care practice or call (907) 561-7041 to schedule an appointment. 
