
When the cold winter weather hits, you want a heating system that works properly. It will be hard to stay comfortable until the HVAC repairs are done, and contractors are busy during this season. You can avoid this problem and more by scheduling annual maintenance for your furnace.

3 Benefits of Yearly Maintenance for Heating Systems

1. Saves You Money

Furnace maintenance requires an upfront investment, but it saves you money in the long term. Yearly maintenance from a professional HVAC contractor prolongs the furnace’s life and prevents expensive heater repairs. It also ensures the system is operating efficiently, which lowers monthly utility bills.

2. Increased Safety

HeatingHaving a professional perform annual maintenance ensures the safety of you and your property. They’ll inspect the system for gas leaks and check the heat exchanger for burn marks, which can indicate damage to the system. They’ll also look at the carbon monoxide detector to make sure it’s functioning properly and ensure your safety from this deadly gas.

3. Improved Comfort

Regular maintenance also keeps the system operating at peak efficiency. When the cold weather hits, you’ll know that it can handle the extra usage and provide adequate heat throughout the home. A well-functioning heating system also improves the indoor air quality and alleviates allergy symptoms by reducing the amount of dust, dirt, and other allergens circulating throughout your home.


Make sure your home’s heating system is properly maintained by working with the experts at Tom Hundley Heating & Cooling in the Tulsa area. Their team of insured and certified HVAC technicians has more than 38 years of experience. They have the expertise and tools to provide you with the professional maintenance your furnace requires to operate efficiently. Schedule an appointment by calling (918) 455-5993 or learn more about their services by visiting them online.