
Regardless of the reason, tooth extraction aims to promote better oral health. If your dental team has told you that you need a tooth extraction, here are a few reasons why they recommended this procedure.

Why Would I Need a Tooth Extraction?

1. Hyperdontia

Excessive teeth in the mouth, or hyperdontia, results in crowding that can make biting and chewing challenging. It also makes brushing and flossing difficult, which can increase the risk of decay and cavities. Extracting one or more teeth gives remaining teeth the opportunity to spread for a healthy, functional mouth.

2. Infection

A painful tooth infection from a lack of dental care can harm the pulp, which is the inner portion of teeth. If the infection is serious, your oral surgeon may recommend a tooth extraction because there isn’t enough healthy pulp to support a root canal. Removal also prevents the infection from spreading to the bone and causing more discomfort.

tooth extractionInfection from gum disease can call for tooth extraction because the condition will cause the gums to recede. Lower gum lines have difficulty holding onto teeth, causing them to fall out. Without teeth to stimulate the gums and jawbone, both will deteriorate. Tooth extraction preserves the gums and jawbone because the infection won’t spread further.

3. Impacted Teeth

Wisdom teeth can grow at irregular angles under the gum line. These impacted teeth put pressure on healthy molars, which can cause crowding, hygiene problems, and pain without treatment. During the extraction, an oral surgeon will break the teeth so that they’re easier to remove from their sockets.

4. Injury

Bike accidents, vehicle collisions, sports injuries, and any other trauma to the mouth can cause significant tooth damage. If crowns, bridges, and veneers can’t preserve a tooth, an extraction will be necessary. This procedure will ensure that cracked or misshapen teeth don’t cause infections, mouth injuries, and cosmetic issues.


If you think you need a tooth extraction, contact Lyle C. Yanagihara DDS, MS, in Honolulu, HI. Dr. Yanagihara and his team will assess your dental situation and approach the procedure in a way that’s best for your unique needs. These friendly professionals strive to make every patient feel comfortable, and they’ll take the time to answer your questions and explain the procedure. Visit their website to learn more about your first visit, or call (808) 973-1433 to schedule an appointment.
