
As a horse owner, you want to ensure that your animal’s health is at its best. If you keep your mare at the boarding stables, you have peace of mind knowing that they’re well cared for. However, at some point, your horse may get sick due to a weak immune system, exhaustion, or old age. If your beloved animal isn’t riding as normal, check for the signs below that indicate they may be ill.

How to Spot Signs That Your Horse Is Sick

1. Changes in Eyes & Nose

The eyes and nose are good indicators of their overall health. If you notice tears in the eyes, or if the eyelids are partially closed, this may indicate a blocked tear duct or damaged cornea. Check their nostrils to see if they’re clear of discharge. A mucus-filled nose could be an indication of a respiratory illness. Watch your horse for flared nostrils or breathing difficulties while resting in the boarding stables. This could be a sign of a heart condition, circulatory problem, or lung congestion.

2. Abnormal Bodily Functions

Horse trainerA healthy horse urinates several times a day and defecates about every two hours. Any deviations from this could indicate a health issue. Check your mare’s stool for firmness. Hard or loose dung could indicate digestive problems. If your animal doesn’t defecate at all, it could indicate an intestinal blockage. If you spot constant diarrhea, ask the veterinarian at the boarding stables to check your animal. Diarrhea is a symptom of Potomac Horse Fever and can lead to dehydration, so it’s crucial to take immediate action. 

3. Weak Limbs

Inspecting your horse’s feet is an important part of everyday care. A healthy hoof will be either black or white. Any discoloration or unusual marks on feet or cracks in the hoof could indicate an infection. A horse that is reluctant to move or refuses to hold up a hoof for cleaning may have a muscle disorder or tenderness around the area, so call a veterinarian if that behavior persists right away. 



Remain proactive in your horse’s well-being by monitoring abnormal behavior and inspecting physical changes. At Oceanside Equestrian Center in Oceanside, CA, horse trainers and staff keep a close eye on each horse to ensure their health is at its best during their stay in the boarding stables. With 25 acres of land, these professionals ensure that all horses receive plenty of exercise and care. For more information about their services, visit them online or call (760) 717-1101.
