

When you have hard water in your pipes, it means that high levels of magnesium and calcium are creating an abundance of positively charged ions in your water. This surplus is an issue because it can hurt your pipes, dry out your skin and hair, and affect your home’s energy efficiency. Luckily, a water softener can easily treat and eliminate hard water. Here are some of the most common signs you could benefit from water softener treatment.

When Do You Need a Water Softener?

1. Dry Skin & Hair

After repeatedly showering or washing your hands in hard water, you may notice dry, cracking skin or brittle hair. Unfortunately, soap and shampoo can’t prevent these harsh minerals from settling into your skin and hair and drying them out. By removing these minerals, a water softener restores the soap and shampoo’s nourishing ability.

2. Rising Utility Bills

The magnesium and calcium found in hard water stop soaps and detergents from dissolving. This eventually leads to a buildup of scale along the inside of pipes, which forces your water heater to work harder than necessary to heat water to the desired temperature. Applying a softener can help address this inefficiency, reducing skyrocketing utility bills and protecting your wallet.

3. Tub Stains

Just as hard water leaves behind residue on your skin, it does the same along the insides of bathtubs and sinks. Once tap water evaporates in the air, the minerals left behind dry out and create a yellowish stain. While pipe-safe cleaning solutions can be used to scrub away these rings, a water softener with potassium chloride is the best way to remove stains and stop them from developing in the future. A plumber can assist in testing your hard water to determine if you need a water softener.


If you need a plumber to address your hard water problem, call Paul Bunyan Plumbing to sort out the issue. As the trusted name in plumbing in the Twin Cities, MN, their team has vast experience that can save your pipes. Whether it’s installing a water softener or fixing a leak, they will assure the job is done right the first time. To schedule an appointment, call (612) 977-3053, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
