
Not only is diabetes a condition that impacts your body’s blood sugar and the ability to use energy, but it can also complicate your oral health and raise your risk of developing gum disease. Fortunately, by maintaining excellent oral hygiene and working with your dentist, you can protect your smile. Here are a few critical oral hygiene tips for diabetics. 


Brush and floss regularly. 

Since diabetes impacts your blood sugar, it can allow bacteria to thrive in your mouth. As a result, diabetics are far more likely to develop periodontal disease, which is late-stage gum disease that can cause tooth loss, oral infection, and systemic inflammation. 

To ward off these problems, be sure to brush twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush for two minutes and floss at least once a day. 

Manage diabetes carefully. 

gum diseaseManaging diabetes can also help to improve your oral health since it can help to keep bacterial levels in check. In addition to exercising and following a healthy diet, check your blood sugar according to your doctor’s instructions, and reach out if you are having trouble keeping your sugars level. 



While having diabetes raises your risk of developing gum disease, smoking increases your chances even more. In fact, diabetic smokers are 20 times more likely than non-smokers to develop periodontal disease or thrush, an oral infection. If you currently smoke, talk with your dentist about how to stop. Modern medications can help smokers to stop smoking more comfortably. 

Brush aggressively. 

Diabetes can also inhibit wound healing, so exercise extreme caution with your mouth. Try to avoid foods that could cut your mouth and be careful when brushing and flossing your teeth. Simple abrasions in diabetics can turn into serious infections. If you cut your gums, talk with your dentist about how to keep the area clean until it heals.  


Whether you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes or you have the symptoms of gum disease, contact Blome Family Dentistry to improve your oral health. This Lincoln, NE, dental practice has been committed to offering excellent service with an uncompromising approach to patient safety and satisfaction. Take a virtual tour of their office online, or schedule an appointment by calling (402) 483-7000. 
