
During the winter, most plants go into a dormant state and don’t require a lot of landscaping. If you live in a region that regularly experiences freezing weather, mulching is needed to protect the shrubs and trees on your property from the extreme conditions. Use this guide to learn how and why to perform this beneficial lawn maintenance.

Why Is Winter Mulching Necessary?

In the summer, mulch is applied to retain soil moisture and regulate temperature. Similarly, winter mulching helps to conserve soil water. It’s also used to prevent limb desiccation caused by strong winds. Primarily, winter mulching is performed to keep the ground frozen, so plants remain in a dormant state. Otherwise, small bouts of warm weather could trigger early growth, which will result in dieback when the temperature drops below freezing again. Dead stems and foliage can affect the plants’ health and growth once warm weather does arrive. 

When to Apply Mulch?

For the best results, always perform this landscaping after the first hard freeze, or when the temperature drops below 25 degrees. Applying mulch too early will keep the ground warm, which would allow it to freeze and thaw instead of remaining frozen repeatedly. This action causes plant roots to loosen, and the plant will slowly be pushed above the surface of the soil, where its crown and roots are exposed to freezing temperatures and winds. 

How to Apply Mulch?

landscapingApply two to four inches of loose, insulating material around the base of your plants and trees. Perennials are best served by compost or topsoil and to keep it in place, add wire fencing around the stem.

For woody plants, shredded bark is another good choice, but, when adding any mulch around these plants, keep it a couple inches from the base. Placing it too close attracts rodents and allows moisture to build up around the trunk, which can lead to disease. 

If you have evergreens around your home, protect the limbs from moisture loss by covering them with burlap or spraying with an anti-desiccant. Make sure when wrapping the shrubs to leave space between the burlap and limbs, so they don’t freeze together.


If you need help maintaining your lawn this winter, turn to the professionals at Lakeview Garden Center & Landscaping. Since 1985, they have provided custom gardening and landscaping services to the Fairfield and Cincinnati, OH, communities. Call them today at (513) 829-6624 to discuss your winterizing needs, and visit their website to learn more about their year-round garden center.
