
Seeing a fertility doctor is a sensitive subject that you may not want to discuss with others. If the prospect of being asked about your infertility challenges has you dreading the holidays, don’t feel like you need to overcome your discomfort to make everyone else happy. The presence of children can make this a tough time as well. You can’t pause the season, but you can prepare yourself in the following ways.

How to Get Through the Holiday Season When Dealing With Infertility

1. You Don’t Have to Accept Every Invitation

Many people think that because it’s the festive season, everyone should be happy at holiday events. If you’re not feeling up to that, opt out. Don’t force yourself to feel something you don’t. While you may hear from family members who are disappointed you won’t be there, you have to do what is right for you. There will always be more Thanksgivings. Right now, your priority is your mental health, so avoid stressful situations as much as possible.

2. You Don't Have to Answer Awkward Questions

No matter how many times your parents tell family and friends they shouldn’t ask you questions, there may be one who brings up the subject anyway. There are two ways you can approach this situation. If you feel comfortable doing so, tell them you don’t want to talk to about it. Otherwise, memorize some responses ahead of time so you can answer without distress.

3. Do What Makes You Happy

fertility doctorThe holiday season is also the time to treat yourself, especially when you need a pick-me-up after seeing a fertility doctor. Head out on an adventurous vacation with your partner, or plan a spa day with friends.

Also, take care of yourself. Leading a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise and a wholesome diet will not only make you feel better but also support your infertility treatments.


If you want to explore infertility treatment options and counseling this holiday season, consult Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute in Honolulu. Their fertility doctors have helped families grow since opening Hawaii’s first in vitro fertility clinic in 1985. Visit their website to find out more about their offerings, and make an appointment with a fertility doctor by calling (808) 946-2226.
