
Solar panels aren’t only for people who live in areas with constant sun. It’s a common misconception that the panels can’t produce any energy on cloudy days. Due to the nature of solar radiation and how the panels work, you can expect to still get a healthy production when the sky is grey.

Why They Still Work

If you spend hours outdoors on a cloudy day without the proper sun protection, you can still get a sunburn. This is because the electromagnetic radiation from the sun penetrates clouds. The clouds will diffuse many of the UV rays, which is why it feels cooler and is darker on overcast days. While the panels are most effective at producing power with direct sunlight, they’ll generate around 10 to 25% of their normal power output on an overcast day.

How to Maximize Energy on Cloudy Days

solar panelsYou may notice that light is more likely to glint off your panels if the sky is overcast. This is because the diffusion from the clouds makes them more likely to reflect the radiation rather than absorb it. A coating on your panels can reduce the glare, which will allow the panels to perform better in below-peak conditions.

A net metering system can also help with producing energy on cloudy days or at nighttime. Keep a connection to the city power grid so that your home can draw from it when needed. In exchange, you’ll send the utility company any excess power your panels produce on sunny days. If your utility company doesn’t offer net metering, ask your installer about a battery-based solar storage system.


If you want to install solar panels, contact the team at Solar Help Hawaii in Honolulu. These professionals will walk you through your energy storage options so that your home is always equipped with enough electricity. They’re dedicated to providing excellent customer service, offering five-year manufacturer and workmanship warranties. View their full list of services online, or call (808) 548-4357 to schedule an appointment.
