
During the holidays, your garbage disposal gets a significant amount of use. However, amidst all the festivities, some people forget that certain foods should only go in the trash. Since you don’t want to call a plumber about a jammed or broken garbage disposal during a celebration, learn more about the foods that might cause trouble.

What Foods Don’t Belong in the Garbage Disposal?

1. Turkey Bones

While garbage disposals grind up many types of food waste quickly and effectively, bones are too hard. The blades might malfunction and, even if they're successful, the ground-up pieces may cause pipe blockages.

2. Corn Husks

Corn husks contain fibrous strings that may wrap around the garbage disposal's blades and prevent them from spinning correctly. To avoid this issue, husk your fresh corn over the trash can.

3. Vegetable Peelings

garbage disposalsPotatoes, carrots, and other peelable vegetables are popular fixtures of many Thanksgiving dinners. However, since peels are so thin, they may slip past the garbage disposal and become lodged in the drain, causing clogs.

4. Beans

You may enjoy eating warm, hearty beans on Thanksgiving, but you should never let them go down the garbage disposal. They'll expand after absorbing water, which means they can easily lead to clogged drains.

5. Fat & Grease

Although fat and grease move through garbage disposals with no issue, they can build up in pipes and cause clogs. They can also clog the public sewer system by catching wipes, diapers, and other non-biodegradable items.


If you’ve made a mistake that has clogged your garbage disposal, turn to Best Rate Plumbing in Fort Mill, SC. These trusted plumbers have been serving the Greater Charlotte area since 1991. Along with garbage disposals, they also repair and replace toilets, well pumps, and water heaters, even in emergency situations. Learn more about their services on their website, and call (704) 366-2173 to schedule an appointment.
